Miscellaneous source codes:


EAQUAL (release 0.1.3) : - C - 383k

EAQUAL stands for Evaluation of Audio QUALity. The intention of EAQUAL is to provide a objective quality measure for coded/ decoded audio files especially useful for audio codec development. The code is based on the ITU-R recommendation BS.1387.

EncSpot (release 1.0b1) : - C++ - 322k

EncSpot is a win32 graphical application that is identifying which MP3 encoder was used to create your files. It does this based on encoder fingerprinting.

Icecast (release 1.3.5) : - C/C++ - 301k

Icecast is an Internet based broadcasting system based on the MP3 streaming technology. Icecast is almost completely Shoutcast compatible.

© 1999-2001 Gabriel Bouvigne for MP3'Tech - www.mp3-tech.org